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New Business Relationship of Our Affiliate Mcfly Robot Teknolojileri A.Ş.
2024/Q2 Participation Finance Principles Information Form
Our Subsidiary Mcfly Robot Teknolojileri Inc. Investment Loan Signing
2024/Q2 Updated Our Investor Presentation and Financial Results Bulletin
2024/Q3 Financial Calendar
2024/Q2 Statement of Responsibility for the Financial Statements
2024/Q2 Financial Report
Company General Info Form
Corporate Governance Information Form Update
Updating General Assembly Information
Structure of Board Committees
Investor Relations Department Structuring
About the Completion of the Capital Increase and the Amount of Funds Raised
Registration and Announcement of 2024 Independent Audit Company Selection
Registration of Registered Capital Ceiling Increase and Time Extension
Registration and Announcement of 2023 Ordinary General Assembly Meeting Resolutions
1st Coupon Payment of Commercial Paper With TRFKNTR52516 ISIN Code
1st Coupon Payment of the Bond With TRSKNTR52618 ISIN Code
Completion of the Sale of Remaining Shares in the Primary Market After the Exercise of Pre-emptive Right
Announcement of the Coupon Rate for the 728-Day Maturity Bond with Variable Interest and ISIN Code TRSKNTR52618
Notification Regarding Authorized Capital 13.08.2024
Determination of Independent Audit Company 13.08.2024
Profit Distribution Table 2023
Notification Regarding Dividend Payment 13.08.2024
Notification Regarding General Assembly Meeting 13.08.2024
Notification Regarding Capital Increase - Decrease 09.08.2024
Explanation on the Date and Method of Sale of Unused Preemptive Rights KAP Announcement
Announcement of Sale to Savings Holders KAP Disclosure
Notification Regarding Capital Increase
Updating the Current Dividend Distribution Rates and Dividend Distribution Table Due to Our Capital Increase Transaction KAP Notification 22.07.2024
Kontrolmatik Technology General Assembly Informative Text 2023
Updating the 2023 Ordinary General Assembly Information Document KAP Notification 22.07.2024
2023 Ordinary General Assembly Meeting invitation and Information Document KAP Notification 18.07.2024
Determination of Independent Audit Company for the Year 2024 KAP Notification 18.07.2024
Dates to Exercise the Right to Acquire New Shares regarding the Capital Increase and Preemptive ISIN Code
Capital Increase SPK Approval KAP Notification 12.07.2024
Subsidiary Capital Increase 05.07.2024
Updating the Fund Utilisation Report within the Scope of Capital Increase
Konrolmatik Teknoloji Q1 2024 Webinar Invitation
New Business Relation 24.06.2024
Renewal of the Corporate Governance Rating Agreement
Materil Event Disclosure (General) KAP Notification 11.06.2024
Participation Finance Principles Information Form KAP Notification 10.06.2024
The announcement regarding the 1st Coupon Payment of the bond with ISIN code TRFKNTR32518
The announcement regarding the 1st Coupon Payment of the bond with ISIN code TRSKNTR32610
New Business Relation Business Contract Signing 06.06.2024
Notification Regarding Issue of Capital Market 06.06.2024
New Business Relationship Framework Agreement KAP Notification 01.06.2024
Current Investor Presentation and 2024 1Q Results Information Note PDP Announcement
2024/Q1 Financial Results
Debt Instrument Issuance to Qualified Investor (728 Days Maturity) KAP Announcement 16.05.2024
Debt Instrument Issuance to Qualified Investor (364 Days Maturity) KAP Announcement 16.05.2024
Notification Regarding Authorized Capital
New Business Relationship Contract Signing 7.05.2023
Statement of Responsibility for the Financial Statements 03.05.2024
2023 Consolidated Financial Statements KAP Announcement
Signing a New Business Relationship Contract KAP Notification 15.04.2024
Financial Fixed Asset Sale (Mint) PDP Notification 04.04.2024
Contract Signing PDP Notification 03.04.2024
SPK Application for Increase in Registered Capital Ceiling and Extension of its Duration KAP Notification
Bond Issuance to Qualified Investors (728-Day Term) KAP Notification
Bond Issuance to Qualified Investors (364-Day Term) KAP Notification
Bond Issuance to Qualified Investors (182-Day Term) KAP Notification
Renewal of Directors' and Officers' Liability Insurance Policy KAP Notification
New Business Relationship Contract Signing KAP Notification
New Collaboration Agreement Announcement from Kontrolmatik Technology KAP Notification
CMB Approval for Debt Instrument Issuance 16.02.2024 (2)
CMB Approval for Debt Instrument Issuance 16.02.2024
Tender Process Result Morocco KAP Notification 02.02.2024
Capital Increase PDP Notification
Signing of a New Business Relationship Agreement PDP Notification 09.01.2024
KAP Notification Regarding Issue Limit
PDP Notification Regarding the Issue Limit 28.12.2023
Increase Capital of Rights Issue and Bonus Issue PDP Notification 28.12.2023
Regarding the Modification of Energy Storage Renewable Energy Field by Our Subsidiary Progresiva Enerji Investment and Trade Inc. PDP Notification
Announcement of Contract Signing Resulting from Tender Process PDP Notification 21.12.2023
Contract Signing PDP Notification 14.12.2023
The Result of Tender Process (İSKİ) KAP Notification 06.12.2023
Partnership Equity Sale PDP Notification 06.12.2023
Pomega Energy USA PDP Notification 4.12.2023
New Business Relationship Contract Signing Public Disclosure PDP Notification 28.11.2023
New Employment Relationship Contract Signing PDP Disclosure 24.11.2023
Establishment of High Voltage Gas Insulated Switchgear Production Plant PDP Notification
Signing of New Employment Relationship Agreement PDP Notification 24.10.2023
Signing of the New Business Relationship Agreement PDP Notification
2023/Q2 Investor Presentation PDP Statement
Subsidiary Capital Increase PDP Notification
Company General Information Form PDP
Subsidiary capital increase PDP Notification
PDP Disclosure on Pomega Energy Storage Technologies
Distribution of Duties of the Members of the Committees of the Board of Directors and Regulations on the Working
Participation Finance Principles Information Form 2022 KAP Update Notification
Kontrolmatik Consolidated Financial Statements 2022
KAP Notification of Share Repurchase Transactions Dated 04.01.2023
KAP Announcement about our Subsidiary Plan-S Satellite and Space Technologies
Iski Tender Process Contract Signing 02.01.2023
KAP Notification of Share Repurchase Transactions Dated 30.12.2022
2022/Q2 Investor Presentation English Version CAP Announcement
ESG Evaluation on KAP Announcement 25.08.22
Financial Statements and Footnotes (Consolidated) 01 January-30 June 2022 2nd Period
13.08.2022 Statement of Responsibility Period 01.01.2022 - 30.06.2022
13.08.2022 Annual Report (Consolidated) 01 January-30 June 2022 2nd Term
Receiving orders from abroad 12.08.2022
About İSKİ Tender
Revision of CMB Application Regarding Bonus Capital Increase KAP Announcement
30.06.2022 Kontrolmatik Technologies Inc. About the Framework Agreement for the Sale of Battery Cells.
01.07.2022 Enwair Enerji Teknolojileri A.Ş. Hisse Edinimi
07.07.2022 Company General Information Form
08.07.2022 Pomega Energy Storage Technologies Inc. Investment Incentive Certificate
31.05.2021 About the establishment of a new company Satellite Technology
31.05.2021 Tender Process and Result Tortum HEPP Privatization Tender
31.05.2021 About the establishment of a new company in the form of a subsidiary
31.05.2021 About the establishment of a new company in the form of a subsidiary 2
31.03.2021 Tender Process Result
29.07.2021 Tender Process and Result
28.06.2021 Tender Process and Result Eti Maden
25.02.2021 Registration of establishment of a new company in the form of Subsidiary
24.08.2021 Tender Process and Result
24.05.2021 Report on Places of Use of the Fund Obtained from the Capital Increase
23.03.2021 Result of Tender Process Teiaş
21.05.2021 Tender Process Contract Signing
21.01.2021 Our Company Statement
20.04.2021 New Business Relationship Cengiz Energy DWN
19.08.2021 Kontrolmatik 30 June 2021 Interim Period Activity Report Statement of Responsibility
19.08.2021 Annual Report (Consolidated) 01 January-30 June 2021 (2nd Quarter) PDP Announcement
18.06.2021 New Business Relationship Gabon
17.08.2021 Çanakkale OIZ contract signing as a result of the Tender Process
17.08.2021 Financial Report (Consolidated) 01 January-30 June 2021 (2nd Quarter) Public Disclosure Platform
17.08.2021 Regarding the profit or loss statement adjustment dated 30.06.2021
17.02.2021 Financial Report (Consolidated) 01 January-31 December 2020 (4th Quarter)
16.08.2021 Statement of Responsibility 01 January-30 June 2021 (2nd Quarter)
16.08.2021 Financial Report (Consolidated) 01 January-30 June 2021 (2nd Quarter) Public Disclosure Platform
16.05.2021 Investor Presentation 01 January-31 March 2021 (1st Quarter) Public Disclosure Platform Announcement
14.04.2021 Tender Process and Results SOGEM LOT II
12.11.2021 PDP Announcement on Assumptions Report
12.08.2021 About the Purchase of Tangible Fixed Assets. Knauf Ankara Polatli OIZ
12.03.2021 Result of Tender Process Teiaş
11.03.2021 2020 Consolidated Annual Report Statement of Responsibility
11.03.2021 2020 Consolidated Annual Report KAP Announcement
Controlmatic Technologies Inc. PDP Announcement on the Framework Purchase Agreement 29.06.2022
31.03.2022 Company General Information Form
31.03.2022 Financial Fixed Asset Sale
31.01.2022 New Business Relationship
31.01.2022 New Business Relationship - doğuş
28.03.2022 About Consultancy Regarding the Financing of Progresiva Lithium-Ion Energy Storage Facility Investment
28.01.2022 About Unusual Price and Quantity Movements
27.05.2022 Our Subsidiary Controlmatik Technologies Inc. about
26.05.2022 Company General Information Form
26.05.2022 Special Condition Disclosure (General)
26.04.2022 About Plan S Satellite and Space Technologies
26.04.2022 Share Purchase and Sale Notification-Additional KONTR_17152
26.04.2022 Share Purchase and Sale Notification-2-Additional KONTR_17153
26.04.2022 Share Purchase and Sale Notification
26.04.2022 General Description
25.02.2022 About Developments Regarding Russia
25.02.2022 About Developments in Russia
24.04.2022 Receiving foreign project orders
24.02.2022 Dicle Edaş Tender Process and Result
24.02.2022 Dicle Edaş Tender Process and Result 2
23.03.2022 New Business Relationship
23.03.2022 Company General Information Form
23.03.2022 JCR-ER Credit Rating Statement-Ek Kontrolmatik Teknoloji Enerji ve Mühendislik A.Ş. JCR Credit Rating
23.03.2022 JCR-ER Credit Rating Statement
22.04.2022 Report on Places of Use of the Fund Obtained from the Capital Increase
22.03.2022 JCR-ER Credit Rating Statement Kontrolmatik Teknoloji Enerji ve Mühendislik A.Ş. JCR Credit Rating
22.03.2022 JCR-ER Credit Rating Statement Kontrolmatik Teknoloji Enerji ve Mühendislik A.Ş. JCR Credit Rating
22.03.2022 Cancellation of Dicle Edaş Tender-2
22.03.2022 Cancellation of Dicle Edaş Tender
22.02.2022 Statement of Responsibility (Consolidated) 01 January-31 December 2021 (4th Quarter)
22.02.2022 Financial Report (Consolidated) 01 January-31 December 2021 (4th Quarter) Public Disclosure Platform Announcement
22.02.2022 Financial Report (Consolidated) 01 January-31 December 2021 (4th Quarter) Public Disclosure Platform Announcement
21.06.2022 CMB Application Regarding Bonus Capital Increase-Additional Articles of Association Amendment Draft
21.06.2022 CMB Application Regarding Bonus Capital Increase
21.01.2022 Namahvani HEPP Project
20.06.2022 About the Technology Oriented Industry Move Program
20.05.2022 Report on Assumptions 01 January-31 March 2022 (1st Quarter) PDP Announcement
19.01.2022 Lithium Ion (LiFePO4) Battery Cell and Energy Storage Systems Investment
19.01.2022 Progresiva Enerji Yatirimlari Tic. Inc. About EMRA Application
18.02.2022 About our subsidiary Pomega Energy Storage Technologies A.Ş.
17.06.2022 About Bonus Capital Increase-Additional Articles of Association Amendment Draft
17.06.2022 About the purchase of tangible fixed assets of our subsidiary Progresiva Enerji-3
17.06.2022 About the purchase of tangible fixed assets of our subsidiary Progresiva Enerji-2
17.06.2022 About the purchase of tangible fixed assets of our subsidiary Progresiva Enerji
17.01.2022 About Acquisition of Financial Fixed Asset
16.06.2022 Plan S Satellite and Space Technologies Inc. Capital Increase
15.06.2022 Investor Presentation 01 January-31 March 2022 (1st Quarter) Public Disclosure Platform
11.04.2022 Investor Presentation 01 January-31 December 2021 (4th Quarter) PDP Announcement English Version
10.05.2022 Statement of Responsibility 31.03.2022
10.05.2022 About Pomega Energy Storage Technologies
10.05.2022 Financial Report (Consolidated) 01 January-31 March 2022 (1st Quarter) Public Disclosure Platform Announcement
09.06.2022 Pomega EIA Positive Decision
09.03.2022 TEİAŞ Tender Result
09.03.2022 About the completion of a new company formation in the form of a subsidiary
09.02.2022 About Battery Investment Loan Agreement
08.06.2022 Notification Regarding Capital Increase - Decrease Transactions
08.04.2022 Contract signing
08.03.2022 About the completion of a new company formation in the form of a subsidiary
07.06.2022 Tender Process and Result
07.04.2022 Maddi Duran Varlık Alımı
07.03.2022 Evaluation Report on the Assumptions Based on the Determination of the Public Offering Price
07.02.2022 Mint Electric Vehicle Technologies Inc. participation in the company to be established with the title
07.02.2022 About the establishment of a new company in the form of a subsidiary
06.03.2022 New Business Relationship
05.05.2022 Tender Process and Result
04.03.2022 Progresiva Enerji Yatirimlari Tic. Inc. About EMRA Application
04.02.2022 New Business Relationship
04.01.2022 New Business Relationship
03.06.2022 Robotics R&D Project
03.03.2022 New Business Relationship Foreign Customer
02.04.2022 Purchase of Tangible Fixed Assets
30.12.2021 Floating SPP Face. plat. Serial Im. Do. Exp. Come. Fog. Max. Making a Patent Application PDP Announcement
29.12.2021 About the establishment of a new company as a subsidiary Progresiva Energy
29.11.2021 About the Purchase of Tangible Fixed Assets 45.277,91m2 Land in Polatlı
29.11.2021 About the Purchase of Tangible Fixed Assets 35.002.91m2 Land in Polatlı
29.11.2021 About the Purchase of Tangible Fixed Assets 25.466m2 Land in Polatlı
29.03.2021 About Market Change
26.01.2021 Signing of Tender Contract-Mardin
26.01.2021 Tender Contract Signing-Diyarbakır
26.01.2021 Tender Contract Signing-Batman
24.12.2021 Floating SPP Face. plat. Making a Patent Application PDP Announcement
24.12.2021 Contract Signing 7 Pieces 132 33kV Mobile Substation
24.06.2021 About opening a branch in Libya
23.02.2021 Turkey Electricity Transmission A.Ş. bidding for the tender
22.06.2021 Technology Oriented Industry Move Incentive Application
21.10.2021 About Establishment of a New Company in the Form of Subsidiary or Subsidiary in the Russian Federation
21.10.2021 About the progress of the IoT Platform under the Controlix brand name
20.02.2021 Registration of establishment of a new company in the form of Subsidiary
19.05.2021 Receiving an Order from the Libyan Electricity Administration
19.01.2021 Contract Signing 33-11kV Mobile Transformer
18.06.2021 Company General Information Form
16.11.2021 About opening a branch in Libya
16.06.2021 Determination of Board Committee Memberships
16.04.2021 General Assembly Process Cancellation Notification
15.10.2021 New Business Relationship Russian Federation
14.09.2021 Signing a New Business Relationship contract
13.01.2021 Result of Tender Process Dedaş Mardin
12.11.2021 Completion of Company Establishment as a Subsidiary in Cameroon
12.03.2021 CMB Application Regarding Invision Venture Capital Investment Trust
11.08.2021 Opening a branch in Ankara
10.12.2021 Company General Information Form
10.12.2021 Company General Information Form
10.08.2021 Contract Signing EUAS
10.06.2021 Board of Directors Election Registration
10.06.2021 Registration of the 2020 Ordinary General Assembly Meeting PDP Announcement
10.06.2021 Registration of the 2020 Ordinary General Assembly Meeting PDP Announcement
10.05.2021 New Business Relationship Iraqi Electricity Ministry
10.05.2021 Call for 2020 Ordinary General Assembly PDP Announcement
10.03.2021 Turkey Electricity Transmission A.Ş. bidding for the tender
10.02.2021 Contract Signing
10.01.2021 Contract Signing Enka
09.12.2021 Completion of Company Establishment as Subsidiary Pomega Enerji
Presentation English 01 January-30 June 2021 (2nd Quarter) PDP Announcement
09.06.2021 Statement of Responsibility 01 January-31 March 2021 (1st Quarter)
09.06.2021 Annual Report (Consolidated) 01 January-31 March 2021 (1st Quarter) Public Disclosure Platform Announcement
09.04.2021 New Business Relationship Odaş Uzbekistan
08.09.2021 New Business Relationship Iraq KRG
08.09.2021 Investor Presentation 01 January-30 June 2021 (2nd Quarter) PDP Announcement
08.03.2021 Duties and Working Principles of the Committees of the Board of Directors, Formation of the Committees-Duties and Working Principles of the Committee Responsible for Additional Audit
08.03.2021 About the Duties and Working Principles of the Committees of the Board of Directors, Formation of the Committees
07.10.2021 Contract Signing Iraq Kalar Steel Factory
07.06.2021 About Tortum Hydroelectric Power Plant Privatization Tender
07.05.2021 New Business Relationship Cenergo Uzbekistan
07.01.2021 Public Disclosure Platform Announcement of Registration in Accordance with the Amendment Text of the Articles of Association as a result of the Capital Increase
07.01.2021 Registration of the Amendment of the Articles of Association as a result of the Capital Increase TTSG
07.01.2021 Result of Tender Process Dedaş Diyarbakır
07.01.2021 Result of Tender Process Dedaş Batman
07.01.2021 CMB Application Regarding the Establishment of a Venture Capital Investment Trust
07.01.2021 Esas Sözleşme Tadili Tescil KAP Duyurusu
07.01.2021 Articles of Association Current
06.10.2021 New Business Relationship International Real Estate
06.07.2021 Registration of new company establishment
06.05.2021 New Business Relationship Odaş Uzbekistan
05.05.2021 Statement of Responsibility 1 January-31 March 2021 (1st Quarter)
05.05.2021 Financial Report (Consolidated) 01 January-31 March 2021 (3rd Quarter) Public Disclosure Platform
05.04.2021 Factory Building Rental
05.02.2021 About Unusual Price and Quantity Movements
04.11.2021 Our Subsidiary Plan S Satellite and Space Technologies Inc. about
04.10.2021 Company General Info Form
04.05.2021 CMB Application Regarding Invision Venture Capital Investment Trust
04.01.2021 About the New Business Relationship Enka
04.01.2021 Turkey Electricity Transmission A.Ş. bidding for the tender
03.11.2021 Financial Report (Consolidated) 01 January-30.09.2021 (3rd Quarter) Public Disclosure Platform
03.11.2021 Financial Report (Consolidated) 01 January-30.09.2021 (3rd Quarter) PDP Announcement in English
03.11.2021 Annual Report (Consolidated) 01 January - 30 September 2021 (3rd Quarter) PDP Announcement
03.08.2021 Tender Process Result EUAS Invitation to Contract
03.06.2021 PDP Announcement of the General Assembly Decision on the Election of the Independent Audit Company
03.06.2021 PDP Announcement of the General Assembly Decision on 2020 Profit Distribution
03.06.2021 PDP Announcement of the General Assembly Decision on 2020 Profit Distribution
03.03.2021 Investor Presentation 01 January-31 December 2020 (4th Quarter) PDP Announcement
03.03.2021 PDP Announcement on the Use of the Fund Obtained from the Capital Increase
03.03.2021 PDP Announcement on the Use of the Fund Obtained from the Capital Increase
03.03.2021 PDP Announcement on the Use of the Fund Obtained from the Capital Increase
01.12.2021 Investor Presentation 01 January 30 September 2021 (3rd Quarter) PDP Announcement
30.11.2020 Aksa Energy Tashkent Fe LLC Contract Signing
30.10.2020 Current Articles of Association
30.10.2020 Articles of Association PDP Announcement
26.11.2020 About the establishment of a new company as a subsidiary (Kontrolmatik Tashkent)
26.10.2020 Yeni iş ilişkisi hakkında (Makyol)
24.12.2020 CMB Approved Draft Amendment to the Articles of Association regarding the completion of our company's paid capital increase
23.12.2020 Board of Directors Decision on the Establishment of a Venture Capital Investment Trust
23.10.2020 Company General Information Form
22.12.2020 Obtaining a Design Center Certificate within the Scope of Law No. 5746
20.11.2020 Evaluation Report on the Assumptions Based on the Public Offering Price 2020 3rd Quarter PDP Announcement
17.12.2020 About New Business Relationship (Molen Grup)
24.12.2020 CMB Approval regarding the completion of our company's paid capital increase
15.10.2020 Public Offering Results
15.10.2020 Public Offering Results
13.11.2020 About Board Member Resignation
13.11.2020 About Board Member Resignation
13.11.2020 Meram EDAŞ contract signing
13.11.2020 Board Member Change of Our Company
09.12.2020 Yatırımcı Sunumu 01 Ocak-30 Eylül 2020 (3.Çeyrek) KAP Duyurusu
09.11.2020 Statement of Responsibility (Consolidated) 01 January-30 September 2020 (3rd Quarter) Board Decision
09.11.2020 Financial Report (Consolidated) 2020 3rd Quarter PDP Announcement
09.11.2020 Annual Report 2020 3rd Quarter KAP Announcement
08.12.2020 Disclosure Policy PDP Announcement
03.12.2020 About the completion of our company's paid capital increase
02.11.2020 New Business Relationship Aksa Energy
02.11.2020 New Business Relationship
Mint Electric Vehicle Technologies Inc. Completion of Company Establishment as a Titled Subsidiary KAP Announcement
Investor Presentation PDP Announcement with Future Expectations for the Period 01.01.2021 - 30.06.2021
Investor Presentation PDP Announcement in English, including future expectations for the period 01.01.2021 - 30.06.2021
Signing a New Business Relationship Agreement PDP Announcement